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Body Contouring

Body contouring allows you to refine and enhance the natural shape of your body, emphasizing the curves you want, and eliminating those you don’t. Sections of sagging and flabby skin, areas of fat or uneven contour may be due to heredity, extreme weight loss, child birth, or simply a stubborn resistance to exercise and toning. If you need help refining one particular area, or several resistant areas, New York City plastic surgeon Dr. Loeb will discuss which body contouring and enhancing procedures will be most effective for you.

Manhattan plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Loeb consults one-on-one with patients about the potential benefits of body contouring surgery in his private office on the Upper East Side.

Image-Breast-Surgery-2Body contouring options offered by Dr. Loeb in NYC include:


Liposuction is the extraction of bulging, lumpy, or disproportionate deposits of fat in the body. Liposuction is most commonly used to remove localized fat deposits from the belly, waist, hips, butt, thighs, knees, and chin. In men, the procedure may additionally be used to treat gynecomastia, a condition in which an abnormal amount of fat collects in the male breasts. Dr. Loeb performs liposuction in his private Manhattan surgical suite by inserting a reed-like metal tube through small incisions in the body, and then suctioning out unwanted fat cells. Because the body ceases to create new fat cells after puberty, fat will cease to collect in any area treated with liposuction, regardless of calorie consumption or overall weight gain.

Tummy Tuck (abdominoplasty)

The abdomen is an area of the body where fat deposits are notorious for being resistant to exercise and dieting. Patients with a “spare tire” around the belly, or with loose folds or an “apron” of skin after pregnancy or massive weight loss, may choose to have a “tummy tuck” to achieve a flatter, firmer stomach or thinner waist. Dr. Loeb makes an incision in the “bikini line,” just above the pubic area. He then removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal wall, and tightens and re-stitches the abdominal muscles. In many cases, a patient may choose to have an abdominoplasty in conjunction with liposuction to give them the desired “flat tummy.”


Labiaplasty surgery reduces the size of the labia minora, which can improve comfort and function while restoring self-confidence. Discover why women choose to undergo labiaplasty and find out what you can expect from the recovery and results.

Butt Lift

Excess skin in the flanks, buttocks, and thighs may be due to age, heredity, or extreme weight loss. For New York City patients who choose to have a butt lift, Dr. Loeb excises unwanted fat deposits, trims and firms loose-hanging or flapping skin, and restores and enhances the natural curves and contours of the body, according to the patient’s wishes. Dr. Loeb will take special care to sculpt the lower body area to achieve the most aesthetically pleasing, youthful look.

Arm Lift

Also known as a brachioplasty, an arm lift eliminates excess skin and fat from the upper arms, which can often take on the appearance of “bat wings.” Drooping or flabby skin on the arms can be due to the natural aging process, though often it is the result of massive weight loss. Depending on the severity of the problem, Dr. Loeb may perform a “short scar” brachioplasty with an incision limited to the armpit region, or one with a “T” or “Z”-shaped incision that traverses to mid-arm or the elbow. Dr. Loeb makes every attempt to place the incisions on the underside of the arm, so that scarring is as inconspicuous as possible. After brachioplasty, the patient’s arm looks sleeker, with a youthful tone and firmness.

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and skin from the inner or lower thigh, which is often the result of substantial weight loss, but may also be due simply to age or heredity. Excess fat is removed via liposuction, and the loose-hanging skin is trimmed and re-draped. Depending on your unique circumstance, Dr. Loeb may perform the procedure on the inner thigh only, with incisions made only in the creases of the groin, or additionally on the lower and front parts of the thigh, in which case every attempt is made to limit the incisions to the “bathing suit” region. Often a thigh lift is selected by a patient in concert with related procedures such as a butt lift, tummy tuck, or liposuction.

If you interested in having body contouring surgery in NYC, or would like to find out more about your options for liposuction procedures, we invite you to call Dr. Loeb’s Manhattan office at 212-327-3700 to schedule a private consultation.

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