SmartLipo NYC| BodyTite NYC
New York City plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Loeb performs smart lipo and Body Tite in his private office suite on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.
Despite numerous efforts at dieting and exercise, some individuals have difficulty ridding their body of stubborn fat pockets. Particularly as we age, these pockets collect around the hips, thighs, waist, abdomen, upper arms, knees and chin. Thanks to technological advances, liposuction procedures that can eliminate these stubborn fat pockets are safer and less invasive than ever before. Laser assisted Body Tite and Smart Lipo procedures allow patients to get rid of unwanted fat with minimal scarring, blood loss, and bruising.
Smart Lipo and BodyTite procedures are not weight loss programs. Ideal candidates for these procedures are within 25 pounds of their target weight and have made serious efforts at weight loss. Both procedures are designed to assist those who, despite their best efforts, continue to battle unwanted body fat. During your consultation at his private office on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, top NYC plastic surgeon Dr. Loeb will discuss your weight loss and body image goals. He will also explain the procedure and examine the area in which the procedure is to be preformed.
Smart Lipo is a one-hour treatment in which a laser is used to remove unwanted fat cells from the knees, hips, abdomen, upper arms, chin and/or male breasts. Smart Lipo laser technology breaks down fat without significant amounts of blood loss associated with other liposuction treatments. Because of this, scarring and bruising is less intense with Smart Lipo than with traditional liposuction procedures.
Smart Lipo suction also encourages collagen growth, which leads to skin tightening around the surgical area. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval has made Smart Lipo particularly popular among those looking to loose small amounts of body fat without the scaring or bruising associated with standard liposuction procedures.
Before the procedure you will receive a local anesthetic. After the procedure, you will experience some bruising, but will be able to return to normal activity within 24 hours.
Body Tite is a minimally invasive procedure that is up to 40 percent more effective at tightening your skin than traditional liposuction. By using Radio Frequency Assisted Liposuction (RFAL) technology, this body contouring procedure melts fat cells through a small, high temperature laser fiber. Body Tite is most commonly used to treat dense, fibrous fatty deposits typically found in the upper abdomen, neck or arm. On men, this may be used to treat male breast fat.
Body Tite is less invasive than standard liposuction, causing less tissue trauma and bruising. Body Tite is a good option for those who want to get rid of fatty tissues without undergoing skin removal procedures.
Before the procedure, a local, general, or sedation anesthesia will be administered. This outpatient procedure generally takes 30 minutes to two hours. While you may be sore for a week after your surgery, you can resume daily activities two to three days after the surgery.
A Smart Lipo or Body Tite procedure is generally an isolated procedure. However, any number of non-invasive procedures may be performed concurrently. Skin care treatments such as laser skin resurfacing or a non-surgical face lift procedure such as Restylane or Radiesse can easily be had the same day.
Have questions about your plastic surgery options in Manhattan? To learn more about Body Tite, Smart Lipo, or other body contouring options in NYC, we invite you to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Loeb by calling 212.327.3700.