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Tummy Tuck in NYC: An Overview

Thomas Loeb | October 16, 2012 | Posted in Liposuction

One of the most common surgical procedures for contouring the mid section, a tummy tuck removes extra fatty tissue and loose skin from the abdominal area to reveal a slimmer waistline and flatter stomach. Prior surgeries, pregnancy, weight fluctuations and genetic predisposition can all contribute to a protruding tummy that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise. And individuals with stubborn fat deposits and sagging skin around the abdomen are the best candidates for this procedure.

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Also known as abdominoplasty, the procedure is most successful in individuals who are healthy with a stable weight, and who have realistic expectations.  For those considering a tummy tuck in NYC, Dr. Thomas Loeb offers several surgical options depending on a patient’s desired goals and medical history.

Tummy Tuck in NYC: Choosing the Procedure Right For You

There are several variations of tummy tuck procedures, and it’s crucial for patients considering abdominoplasty in NYC to choose a board certified plastic surgeon such as Dr.Loeb before pursuing any form of plastic surgery. From the mini-tummy tuck, which is often performed in conjunction with liposuction, to classical abdominoplasty that addresses the entire stomach area, each method can be used to address specific cosmetic expectations:

  • Mini Tummy Tuck: Can benefit patients with a small amount of excess skin and fat of the lower abdomen. The procedure tightens the skin and fascia below the belly button and is ideal for those within 10% of their ideal body weight.
  • Modified Abdominoplasty:  Refers to a procedure between the mini and traditional tummy tuck, a modified abdominoplasty may be an extended mini tummy tuck with muscle repair, or involve moving the naval further down without an incision, as done in full abdominoplasty.
  • Classical Abdominoplasty:  During a full abdominoplasty, an incision is made from hip to hip, slightly below the bikini line for better post-surgical camouflage. A separate incision is made around the belly button, and the connective tissues and muscles are tightened and repaired. Excess skin is removed as needed creating a trimmer, firmer stomach.

Post Tummy Tuck: What to Expect

Abdominoplasty lasts between 2-4 hours and is generally performed on an outpatient basis, where the patient is sedated using general anesthesia. A compression garment is used to minimize postoperative bleeding and swelling.  Mini tummy tucks generally have a shorter recovery time compared to full abdominoplasty, but all patients will experience discomfort and tightness for several days after surgery.

Patients are advised to limit strenuous activity for 6 weeks after a tummy tuck; swelling and bruising can be expected for three weeks post operatively, with residual swelling lasting for several months. Full recovery may take up to eight weeks, during which time Dr. Loeb suggests massage to promote healing and reduce numbness.  Most patients are thrilled with their smaller waistline and slender appearance, but a healthy diet and regular exercise are recommended to help maintain lasting results.

Consultation for Abdominoplasty in NYC

For more information on NYC tummy tucks, contact the office of Dr. Loeb – one of the leading NYC plastic surgeons for abdominoplasty procedures. Please call 212-327-3700 to schedule a body contouring private consultation at his Fifth Avenue office. Dr. Loeb and his staff offer a supportive environment throughout the entire surgical process, from the initial consultation through the final post-operative visit.

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