It could be said that everyone has at least one body part they’re dissatisfied with. For many people, it’s the nose, décolletage, or derriere. Others simply wish for a better belly button. If you’re not happy with yours, consider visiting a plastic surgeon to discuss having an umbilicoplasty. It’s the latest plastic surgery craze sweeping the states, and it has helped many people feel more confident when wearing midriff-baring outfits.
Did you know that your belly button is technically a scar? It formed at birth when the obstetrician cut the umbilical cord. Whether a belly button becomes an innie or an outie mostly depends on genetic factors, such as how the skin connects to the underlying abdominal muscles. The appearance of your belly button is established right from the start of life, but it can potentially change over the years.
Most belly button changes that occur in women are the result of pregnancy. Pregnancy and child birth cause significant changes to a woman’s body, including the possibility of a herniated belly button. Other people may notice undesirable changes to the belly button due to gaining, and then losing, a substantial amount of weight.
A skilled plastic surgeon can perform an umbilicoplasty to turn an outie into an innie. It can also fix the gradual stretching inflicted on the belly button by a piercing. And, believe it or not, some people are born without belly buttons, or have had them removed for medical reasons.
A person may be born without a belly button if he or she had congenital hernias in the abdominal wall, called gastroschisis and omphalocele. After birth, belly buttons serve no purpose, and many people are content to live a belly button-free life. But the lack of this quintessential human feature can be disconcerting. The solution is an umbilicoplasty.
In addition to creating a new belly button, or turning an outie into an innie, an umbilicoplasty may reduce the overall size of the belly button, restore its usual shape, remove excess skin, and remove scar tissue from previous surgeries.
As with any plastic surgery, you’ll first have a consultation with the plastic surgeon. You’ll discuss your concerns and goals, and review your medical history. You’ll also learn what to expect from the surgery, which may take an hour or two. You may choose to pair an umbilicoplasty with a tummy tuck, in which case the surgery will take longer. Follow the doctor’s post-operative instructions, which may include avoiding soaking in water until the incision is fully healed.
Dr. Thomas Loeb has made it his life’s work to help individuals feel confident in their own skin. No matter what aesthetic issue troubles you, Dr. Loeb can suggest an appropriate solution. Find out if you may be a good candidate for an umbilicoplasty, perhaps performed as part of a tummy tuck surgery. Call Dr. Loeb’s Manhattan, NYC office today to request an initial consultation.