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Plastic Surgery on the Rise for Dads in 2017

Thomas Loeb | June 20, 2017 | Posted in News

Man Receiving Cosmetic Injection With SyringeIf you think plastic surgery is just for moms and daughters, think again. Plastic surgery is on the rise for dads. In fact, plastic surgery for men has risen by 325% in the last 20 years, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Men are getting cosmetic surgery in 2017 for reasons very similar to women. Looking better helps people succeed in major areas of life. For men, going on the job market or being in line for a promotion might prompt them to want to look younger and more fit. So can beginning to date after a divorce. Going to a child’s graduation or wedding is another milestone for which dads can want to look their best.

Most common cosmetic procedures for men

Because of the desire to look younger and remove signs of aging, some of the most common procedures in plastic surgery for men are those that promote wrinkle removal or skin firming: Botox and fillers.

Some procedures tone the body for a younger look. Men get 40% of aesthetic breast reductions in the United States, for example. Gynecomastia, or the development of breasts, is a surprisingly common occurrence in men, affecting nearly 50%. Breast reduction is a straightforward cosmetic surgery.

Tummy tucks and love handle removals are also commonly requested plastic surgeries for men. Each restores a more youthful and masculine torso. It’s common to gain some weight as we age. This weight can be hard to lose. In fact, as men age, some weight won’t respond to diet and exercise.

In a tummy tuck (medically known as an abdominoplasty), an incision is made around the base of the abdomen. Excess fat is then taken out of the abdomen’s wall. The result? A great-looking flat stomach.

Liposuction for dads is the same as it is for moms. It’s only the body areas that are affected that vary. In liposuction, fat can be removed from the hip, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, breast, upper arms, chest, chin, cheeks, and neck.

The best thing about liposuction? Once fat cells are removed, they won’t return.

Find a Manhattan plastic surgeon for a daddy do-over

Ready for a daddy do-over? If you’re considering plastic surgery in Manhattan, you want the best and most experienced surgeon for men.

Dr. Loeb has the right experience. First, he will discuss your goals and what the results can be. Then, he conducts surgery with compelling care, skills, and artistry.

Our office has all the most up-to-date techniques and cutting-edge technologies to help men achieve their desired objectives.

For more information about plastic surgery for men in NYC, including liposuction, tummy tucks, and male breast reduction, please call our Fifth Avenue office today to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Loeb.

Additional “plastic surgery for dads” resources:

  1. Fox News, Plastic surgeries are on the rise among dads — here’s why,
  2. ASPS, Most commonly requested plastic surgery for men,
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