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What Is a Nasal Analysis for Rhinoplasty? 

Thomas Loeb | November 3, 2023 | Posted in Rhinoplasty Surgery
Surgeon conductiong a nasal analysis for rhinoplasty.

The nose plays a major role in the overall aesthetic appeal of the face. If you’re dissatisfied with the appearance of your nose, then a rhinoplasty may be an appropriate choice for you. 

When you visit Dr. Thomas Loeb to discuss rhinoplasty or revision rhinoplasty options, you’ll receive a thorough nasal analysis. The nasal analysis is a way of thoroughly evaluating the proportions of the nose and how they compare to the overall characteristics of the face. 

What Is the Purpose of a Nasal Analysis for Rhinoplasty? 

The decision to undergo any sort of plastic surgery should be made with care, and only when you are fully informed of what will happen and what you can expect from the results. A nasal analysis assists with both the patient education and pre-surgical planning process. 

  • Surgical Plan – The plastic surgeon can use the findings from the nasal analysis to develop the surgical plan. This helps ensure that your specific concerns about your nose will be addressed by the surgical plan. 
  • Functional Improvements – Although rhinoplasties are often performed to address aesthetic concerns, the nose must also function properly. If you’ve ever had a deviated septum, broken nose, or similar problems, then a rhinoplasty can help correct functional deficits. A nasal analysis will identify these problems. 
  • Reasonable Expectations – A well-planned rhinoplasty can do wonders for your appearance, creating better balance and aligned facial proportions. However, there is only so much that it can do. For example, it cannot transform the entire face—only the nose. With a nasal analysis, your plastic surgeon can ensure that you have reasonable expectations for the outcome of the procedure. 
  • Patient-Doctor Communication – Clear communication is the essential foundation for a working relationship between patient and provider. A nasal analysis provides a tool for better communication, enabling you to more specifically explain what dissatisfies you about your nose and how you would like to change it. 

What Happens During a Nasal Analysis? 

An aesthetic evaluation of your nose will take into account factors such as: 

  • Whether the nose is in proportion with the overall shape and size of the face 
  • Whether the components of the nose (e.g., tip and bridge) are in proportion with the rest of the nose 
  • Any ethnic characteristics that must be preserved 

Nasal analysis measures the patient’s nose in proportion to overall facial features to better assess how it might be reshaped to achieve an improved aesthetic balance. To conduct the nasal analysis, your plastic surgeon will assess the following: 

  • Facial height 
  • Facial width 
  • Nasal landmarks, including the bridge, nose root (top of the nose under the forehead), nasal tip, and others 
  • Nasal-facial relationships, including the brow tip aesthetic line (curvilinear line that extends from the inner eyebrow toward the tip of the nose) 
  • Nasal tip and base 

Once the nasal analysis is complete, your surgeon will explain the results and discuss your personalized recommendations. 

Schedule a Consult With a Rhinoplasty Specialist 

During the course of his decades-long clinical career, Dr. Thomas Loeb has developed an enduring reputation as a rhinoplasty specialist. As a widely hailed, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Loeb also specializes in revision rhinoplasties, which are procedures performed to correct the mistakes or undesirable results of a prior rhinoplasty performed by another surgeon. 

Dr. Loeb takes great care during the pre-surgical planning process, ensuring that each patient is fully informed of the procedure and has reasonable expectations for the outcome. We encourage patients to ask questions at any time. 

Schedule a rhinoplasty consultation with Dr. Loeb today and receive your own comprehensive nasal analysis from a Manhattan and Great Neck plastic surgeon known for his natural, artistic-looking results. 

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