Breast enlargement remains one of the most requested plastic surgeries in the United States for good reason. Developments in surgical technique and implant materials provide beautiful, natural results that engender confidence and a more positive self-image. Waking up to an enhanced bustline is thrilling indeed, but a lot of patients become concerned about the feel of their newly enlarged bosoms. Is it normal for breast implants to feel rock hard after surgery and will they soften over time?
The short answer is an unequivocal yes. Your breast implants will gradually begin to settle and soften, feeling more like your own natural breast tissue.
There are several factors that can impact how quickly the tissues begin to soften – a process that has been labeled “fluffing” in the medical community. Because every patient is unique, and no two people will heal at the same rate, this time frame can last anywhere from 8 weeks to 6 months.
First, you must consider the amount of post-operative swelling, which gives your new breasts a wonderful perky appearance. Inflammation is normal, but this tissue swelling contributes to the firm texture of the implants. As the swelling gradually subsides over the coming weeks, the tissue will begin to soften as well.
Another reason why implants may feel hard to the touch at first is because they have yet to drop into the breast pocket, which was created by your surgeon. This envelope needs time to stretch and expand, allowing the implant to settle into a more natural, aesthetically-pleasing position on the chest.
If you opted to go from an AA to a D cup, it may take longer for the implants to soften, especially if you had little breast tissue to begin with. In other words, the larger the breast implant, the longer it will take to feel ‘normal,’ and soft like your own breast tissue.
In some cases, women will find that one implant softens up, while the other remains hard. This may be a symptom of a complication known as capsular contracture, caused by a build-up of scar tissue. Capsular contracture happens slowly over time, so if you’re past the 6-month post-op mark and your new breasts still feel abnormally hard, it’s important to see your plastic surgeon.
All breast augmentation patients are encouraged to massage their implants, which helps to prevent hard scar tissue from forming. For those who had implants placed beneath the pectoral muscles, massage will help relax the muscle, and facilitate the healing process. Even though massage may be uncomfortable at first, when your tissues are swollen and tender, it is a critical part of a complication-free recovery.
To learn more about breast plastic surgery in NYC, we invite you to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Thomas Loeb, who is among Manhattan’s most respected plastic surgeons. Dr. Loeb is renowned for his leading-edge techniques and artistic skill in all types of breast surgery procedures, using silicone, saline, and form-stable implants.
Call today or use our online contact form to request your appointment.
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