Fat Transfer an Effective Hand Rejuvenation Treatment
Fat transfer, a popular procedure for facial enhancement, has now been shown to be effective in hand rejuvenation as well. Texas researchers have found that the right techniques in autologous fat transfer lead to excellent, long-lasting results in patients looking to turn back the clock on their hands.
In a special report published in the December issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, researchers from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas share techniques for fat transfer to rejuvenate aging hands. The “minimal access” technique uses small amounts of fat harvested from other areas of the patient’s body to create fullness to thinning skin on the backs of the hands, while minimizing the look of protruding veins that add to the aged appearance.
While anti-aging treatments typically focus on the face, the hands often show the signs of aging even sooner. With fewer hand rejuvenation treatments to choose from, patients looking for ways to enhance the appearance of the hands have been limited in their options. The addition of autologous fat transfer offers a minimally-invasive way to restore a youthful appearance to the hands that is both safe and effective.
Autologous fat transfer is a two-part process that begins by removing isolated deposits of fat from a particular area of the body – usually the thighs, hips or midsection. This is usually performed via liposuction, a minimally-invasive procedure that uses a narrow tube called a cannula to gently loosen fat cells and suction them out of the body. The fat is purified and prepared for injection into other areas in need of augmentation, such as the face or hands.
Fat transfers offer a number of advantages including:
The latest study offers advanced techniques in fat grafting to the back of the hand to create even better results. The procedure involves a few micro incisions on the back of the hand, in which the surgeon injects the fat cells. The fat fills in thinning areas between the visible veins of the hand, causing them to become less visible. Because some of the fat will be reabsorbed by the body, the treatment area is typically overfilled at first to compensate for that initial loss of fat cells.
Patients who are not completely satisfied with the results of the initial procedure may elect to have a “touch up” treatment using additional fat transfers or dermal fillers to complete the look. Because the procedure is relatively quick and does not involve a long recovery period, researcher believe more patients would opt for the treatment if it was more widely available.
To learn more about your choices in hand and facial rejuvenation in NYC, contact the office of Dr. Thomas W. Loeb at 212-327-3700 to schedule a private consultation.