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Types of Eyelid Surgery in NYC

Thomas Loeb | November 17, 2012 | Posted in Body

Eye lifts are among the most frequently requested cosmetic procedures in both men and women. Also known as blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery addresses loose skin, wrinkling, as well as puffiness around the eye, giving patients a refreshed appearance. As we age, our skin looses elasticity and sagging lids often result in a “tired” look. Rejuvenation of the eyelids can make you look more youthful and rested, and the results often last up to seven years.

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For New Yorkers who desire a younger, brighter look without the major downtime associated with more invasive surgeries, Dr. Thomas Loeb offers several techniques for eyelid surgery in NYC. One of Manhattan’s leading plastic surgeons, Dr. Loeb takes the time to carefully assess each patient’s aesthetic goals in determining the best procedure for optimum results.

Plastic surgery in New York: traditional eyelifts

During the eyelid surgery procedure, an incision is made beneath the lower eyelashes where extra tissue is removed and the skin tightened to enhance appearance. Surgeons may also use a transconjunctival incision – hidden inside the lower eyelid – to remove or redistribute excess fat.

In an upper eye lift surgery, the incisions are perfectly concealed in the natural creases of the eye.

Drooping skin is corrected, and the surgeon may tighten muscles and tissue or reposition fat deposits. The procedure can be done under local or general anesthesia, and generally lasts anywhere from 45 to 90 minutes. Patients should note that an eye lift – either upper or lower – will not remove all crow’s feet from the corners of the eyes, but these are easily smoothed out with non-invasive treatments such as Botox.

Recovery time for eye lift surgeries

Patients can expect considerable swelling immediately after the surgery, along with some bruising. Most people feel comfortable returning to normal activities within a week, while others are back to work within a couple of days. Dr. Loeb recommends applying cool compresses to the surgical area to help reduce swelling and promote quicker healing. Patients should avoid strenuous activity for two to three weeks after the procedure, and full results are typically evident around one month post-op. 

Non-invasive “no-knife” eye lifts

Several alternatives to traditional eyelifts are also available, and these “no-knife” options can offer an aesthetically pleasing boost to tired-looking eyes.

  • Botox and Dysport: Both muscle-relaxing injectables are ideal for treating crow’s feet, while brightening up droopy upper lids. Injections are usually repeated every 4-6 months.
  • Restylane or Juvederm: These hyaluronic acid fillers work magic on hollows under the eyes by plumping up the area for a more rested look. The effects last up to 9 months.
  • Laser resurfacing: Fractional laser treatments are ideal for the delicate eye area, as they help reduce laxity and tighten up skin. A series of sessions may be indicated, and results can last years.

NY plastic surgeon for eyelid surgery

There are many choices for patients considering plastic surgery in New York, but very few surgeons who offer exceptional results. If you would like to learn more about eyelid surgery or other options for facial rejuvenation and non-invasive treatments, please contact the office of Dr. Loeb today. Patients receive the highest level of care, with emphasis placed on privacy and comfort. To schedule a private body contouring consultation, Dr. Loeb’s office can be reached at 212-327-3700.

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