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Year of the Man Butt

Thomas Loeb | August 3, 2016 | Posted in Body

man buttocksThe desire for a bodacious booty has bridged the gender gap. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASPS), men accounted for more than 6 percent of buttock enhancing procedures in 2012 — a triple increase since 1997. This plastic surgery trend has taken off in recent years, undoubtedly spurred by celebrity Instagram shots that show off glistening rounded glutes.

Big butt trend goes mainstream

Statistics and social media suggest that shapely, curvaceous bottoms are appealing to both sexes, and growing numbers of ladies are expressing their preference for guys with pumped up derrieres. While some men turn to weight training to beef up their bums, glute size is largely determined by genetics and age. Squats can only do so much for a non-existent butt. As men approach their 40s, fat loss is most prominent in the face and buttocks, making an already flat posterior even more noticeable. And now that slim-fitting pants are all the rage, men are looking for new ways to increase the size and profile of their assets.

Butt enhancing underwear

Enter a new line of butt-enhancing underwear designed especially for men. Just like the ultra-padded Wonderbra helped thousands of ladies achieve maximum cleavage, these padded briefs deliver extra volume to the buttock area. A slew of booty-enhancing underwear for guys is now available, and designers like Calvin Klein even sell a “Body Boost Butt Trunk” with foam pads for extra support and lift.

Better fitting pants

In 2007, a men’s e-commerce company decided to capitalize on men’s insecurities by designing pants that boosted the derriere, effectively putting an end to the dreaded “khaki diaper butt.” The pants featured strategically placed pocket flaps for added definition, giving the eye a more pronounced focal point. The Bonobos ads declared: “Here’s your chance to tell women, ‘Hey, my eyes are up here.’ ”

Buttock augmentation

Padded briefs and good-fitting pants are inexpensive but temporary solutions to a “pancake butt.” In their quest for more shapely bottoms, some men are opting for surgical buttock augmentation. Often billed as a Brazilian butt lift, this procedure addresses two problem areas with one surgery. First, excess fat from the stomach, love handles or back is removed via liposuction and then re-injected in the gluteal area for a perkier rear end. This butt-enhancing procedure is often favored over silicone butt implants as it is less invasive, and associated with fewer complications. One patient whose wife gifted him a butt lift surgery told the NY Times, “My jeans are more comfortable and look better… I feel more confident and synergistic.”

Butt augmentation may not give patients the backside of an NFL quarterback, but it can definitely add definition and shape. Dr. Thomas Loeb offers several plastic surgery procedures for men in New York City, including liposuction, body sculpting and butt lifts.

For more information about plastic surgery for men, we invite you to contact our Fifth Avenue office in Manhattan at 212-327-3700 to schedule a one-on-one consultation.

+ Resources
- Resources
  1. Elite Daily, This Is Why 2016 Is Officially The Year Of The ‘Man Butt’
  2. NY Times, For Men, a Gluteus More Maximus
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