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3 Dangerous DIY Plastic Surgery Fads

Thomas Loeb | January 13, 2014 | Posted in Body, Facelift

Consensus among the best NYC cosmetic surgeons is that DIY plastic surgery puts patients at risk for devastating results – outcomes that could be avoided completely if candidates sought treatment from licensed and experienced medical professionals. Many “do-it-yourself” treatments have left patients with permanent scars and irreparable damage – like the case of a South Korean woman who repeatedly injected her own face with cooking oil in an attempt to replenish lost volume.

Even more disturbing is the recent trend among teenagers, in Asia particularly, where the pressure to look “beautiful” has forced some to turn to at-home treatments aimed at toning, firming, slimming and re-shaping their faces. The contraptions and devices sold online target young, body-conscious women – but are these facial modification tools doing more harm than good?

The South Korean media has already reported on a number of horrific complications seen in teens that turned to DIY methods. While some young women were lucky enough to escape lasting injuries, others haven’t been so fortunate.

DIY plastic surgery dangers

The DIY cosmetic surgery trend is global, but its thriving center is Japan and South Korea, where societal and economic standings are greatly influenced by one’s outward appearance. Dr. Hong Jung Gon of Seoul’s Metro Plastic Surgery Clinic in Seoul told the GlobalPost that his practice has treated teens who’ve harmed themselves with medieval-looking face-altering gadgets. One 17-year-old South Korean teen admitted, “We want to become pretty without spending all the money…We know that these methods aren’t approved of, but lots of our peers do it.”

Some of the more popular at-home facial-shaping tools sold include:

  • Glasses that keep the eyes open and unable to blink (to replicate the effects of double-eyelid surgery)
  • Scalp stretcher that pulls your face taut
  • Metallic clamp that clips into your nose to slim its profile
  • $6 jaw-molding roller device that supposedly shapes the jaw into a petite, oval form

“These kinds of devices usually make claims that have no basis in studies or scientific fact…At the very best, you end up completely wasting your money. At the very worst, you can injure yourself resulting in infections, permanent scars, or other irreversible facial deformities,” one NY doctor told the Post – echoing the sentiments of New York’s best cosmetic surgeons.

Among the hazards to patients who resort to DIY plastic surgery are:

  • Adolescents may impair their underdeveloped bodies
  • Risks of infections, scarring and disfigurement
  • Bruising, inflammation and pain

Consult with one of the best NYC cosmetic surgeons

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Loeb offers a range of surgical and non-invasive procedures in a fully accredited surgical suite on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue. For more information about FDA approved cosmetic surgery options, feel free to contact our New York office to schedule a private consultation with the doctor.

Among Dr. Loeb’s many areas of expertise are breast augmentation, abdominoplasty (tummy tucks), breast lifts, facial rejuvenation, Botox injections and facial fillers, liposuction, eyelid surgery and other body contouring procedures.

Renowned for his artistry and skill that achieve natural-looking results, Dr. Loeb has been practicing in NYC for more than 20 years, and boasts an impressive client list including celebrities. Call 212-327-3700 to schedule your one-on-one facial surgery consultation with one of New York’s leading plastic surgeons.

+ Resources
- Resources

Daily Beast, DIY Plastic Surgery: Can You Change Your Face Without Going Under the Knife?

Refinery 29, In Today’s Terrifying News, DIY Plastic Surgery Is Gaining Popularity,

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