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Celebrities Drive Popularity Of Cosmetic Surgery For Men

Thomas Loeb | August 1, 2013 | Posted in Facelift, Liposuction, Skin Care

Since 1997, the number of men electing to have cosmetic surgery has increased 106 percent, according to a spokesman for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). Just like women who elect to refresh their appearance and turn back the clock on aging, men want to look as good as they feel, knowing that a rejuvenated appearance can have a positive impact on both their personal and professional lives.

As more and more men of all ages and backgrounds continue to pursue cosmetic improvements, male celebrities have been more open to sharing their own plastic surgery experiences with the media.

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Cosmetic surgery for men goes mainstream, as more celebrities talk freely

The Huffington Post reports that a number of male celebrities have come forward with their cosmetic surgery stories so far, including:

  • Olympic Gold Medalist Bruce Jenner – Nose job and several facelifts
  • KISS Frontman Gene Simmons – Facelift, particularly around the chin
  • Singer Barry Manilow – Upper and lower facelifts
  • Actor Burt Reynolds – Eyelift
  • Singer Enrique Iglesias – Mole removal
  • Radio Host Howard Stern – Nose job and lipo to remove a double chin
  • Singer Kenny Rogers – Facelift
  • Singer Michael Jackson – Two nose jobs and a chin dimple procedure
  • TV Producer Simon Cowell – Botox injections

What type of Manhattan cosmetic surgery are men having done?

Facelifts are still the most popular procedures for men, with ear surgery coming in a close second. Non-invasive procedures like soft tissue fillers and Botox are on the rise as well. When it comes to Manhattan cosmetic surgery, no procedure is taboo for men. Liposuction and breast reduction are not just for women, says New York City plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas W. Loeb, who says he sees a number of male patients looking for this type of work done. Laser hair removal and laser leg vein treatment are other ways that men can improve their confidence and body image, he says.

Why are men getting plastic surgery in New York?

Some patients say they are tired of people asking if their pre-teens are their grandchildren. Perhaps they were able to marry someone significantly younger and would like to look better matched, as was the case with Kenny Rogers, whose wife is 29 years his junior. Recent divorces or the need to find a new job may drive some men to want to look their very best, says ABC News.

However, Dr. Loeb explains, “The primary reason so many men go for Manhattan cosmetic surgery is the natural results that are possible now. With new technology and minimally invasive procedures, a New York City plastic surgeon can create a fresh look that is subtle, but transformative.”

Finding the best New York City plastic surgeon

Dr. Loeb invites men who are considering any type of cosmetic procedure – be it a full facelift, Botox injection or body contouring – to contact him for a private consultation. As one of the most experienced plastic surgeons in New York City, he would be happy to make recommendations on how to best achieve a natural, enhanced look.

+ Resources
- Resources

Huffington Post – Male Celebrities Who Have Admitted To Plastic Surgery (And Other Cosmetic Procedures),

ABC News – More Men Getting Plastic Surgery,

ASPS – Men Fuel Rebound In Cosmetic Surgery,

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