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Inverted Nipple Surgery

Inverted nipple surgery in NYC can be performed on patients whose nipples have been inverted since birth or those who have retracted nipples due to breast feeding. Inverted nipples are a result of tight and shortened breast duct tissue. Using minimally invasive surgical techniques, a good plastic surgeon can correct the nipples by releasing these ducts.

Inverted nipples can affect both men and women and is a condition where the nipple retracts into the breast, rather than pointing outward.  Although fairly common, inverted nipples may be a source of discomfort or embarrassment among women, leading many to feel self conscious about their appearance. Fortunately, inverted nipple repair is a relatively simple procedure that offers affected patients a boost in confidence.

Planning your inverted nipples surgery NYC

Following a thorough consultation and medical evaluation, Dr. Loeb will recommend the best approach for your inverted nipples correction. The level of nipple inversion may be categorized as follows:

  • Grade I – The nipples pop out from time to time, without any manipulation
  • Grade II – The nipples need manipulation to revert
  • Grade III – The inverted nipples never come out

The majority of patients have some combination of these three levels. Your plastic surgeon will determine the inverted nipples correction procedure you require based on the severity of your condition.

In some cases involving very mild nipple inversion, non-surgical “niplette” suction may help bring the nipple out into a normal position. For patients with inverted nipples that are classified as Grade II and III, this form of external suction is rarely effective. Dr. Loeb will assess your individual anatomy and suggest the best approach for your particular needs.

Inverted nipple surgery: procedure overview

Inverted nipple correction is designed to re-contour the nipple so that it projects outward from the breast. During the procedure, a small inconspicuous incision will be placed at the base of the nipple, which will become nearly invisible after it heals over time. A very tiny instrument is then used to release the connective fibers and duct that create the inverted nipple. Your surgeon will put in a suture below the nipple to help it maintain its position. The inverted nipples correction procedure is offered in our well-equipped surgical suite, which is accredited by the American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). Inverted nipple correction with milk duct detachment is generally reserved for patients who do not plan on breastfeeding in the future. Patients will discuss anesthesia options prior to the procedure, though local anesthetic with a sedative is most commonly used. The entire inverted nipples surgery typically lasts one hour or less.

Potential risks

Your plastic surgeon, Dr. Loeb, will take every available precaution to ensure your inverted nipple correction is performed safely and successfully, to help facilitate an easy recovery. As with any type surgery performed under anesthesia, there are some risks involved. Potential complications of inverted nipples surgery in New York can include a potential inability to breastfeed where milk ducts have been divided by the surgeon as part of the surgery. Incidence of this is extremely rare and is more likely in patients with exceptionally inverted nipples. Although highly uncommon, the blood supply to the nipples can be compromised after the procedure.  Keep in mind that all potential complications and risks of the procedure will be explained during your in-office consultation. You are also encouraged to ask Dr. Loeb any questions about the surgery or recovery process.

Rapid recovery

There is very little downtime following this type of breast surgery. Patients can expect to experience a mild degree of discomfort and swelling for a few days after the surgery, which can be alleviated with medication. You will be asked to wear a compression garment for up to two weeks following the procedure and your surgeon will remove stitches roughly five days after the operation. Most patients can return to work the following day. Light exercise is permitted three days post-surgery, and strenuous physical activity can be resumed in about three weeks.

Related procedures

Inverted nipple correction is frequently an isolated procedure. However, some women may want to combine this other aesthetic enhancements such as a breast lift, breast augmentation, liposuction, or tummy tuck. Patients can discuss their specific goals and desires with Dr. Loeb during their pre-surgery consultation to determine the best course of action.

New York City plastic surgeon

For more detailed information about inverted nipples surgery, or any other type of cosmetic procedure in NYC, we invite you to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Thomas Loeb in his Fifth Avenue office. One of Manhattan’s leading plastic surgeons in the field of breast augmentation and inverted nipple correction in New York, Dr. Loeb will explain the nipple correction techniques most appropriate for your needs. To make your appointment please complete the online form above, or call Dr. Loeb’s Fifth Avenue office at 212-327-3700.

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