New York Facial Fracture Surgery - Nose Job in NYC
According to Hollywood Life magazine, “Soccer players are unarguably the hottest athletes in the world” with their “haircuts, muscles, [and] exotic swagger.” These hunks put their charming good looks at risk every time they step on the field. Research shows up to 22 percent of all soccer injuries include hits to the face – concussions, broken noses, cracked jaws, fractured cheekbones, and smashed up eye sockets. Thankfully, skilled surgeons are available to put the pieces back together again.
Here in New York, facial fracture surgery and nose jobs are very popular – not just among soccer elites, but among the general populace as well. Dr. Thomas W. Loeb, MD is recognized as a highly skilled and experienced local plastic surgeon with a roster of prestigious past clients, including the high profile nose job of Paula Jones in 1998.
The medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons recently reported on a Brazilian study that highlighted the sort of injuries soccer players sustain. “Due to exposure and the lack of protection for the face, the occasional maxillofacial trauma sustained during soccer games often entails serious facial injuries requiring hospital admissions and invasive procedures,” wrote Dr. Dov Charles Goldenberg, MD, PhD, from the University of São Paulo.
Researchers examined 45 surgery patients between 2000 and 2013. They found:
• Soccer injuries accounted for 2% of the facial fracture surgeries from 2000 to 2013.
• Most players treated for facial injury were around 28 years of age, male, and amateur.
• Nose and upper jaw fractures accounted for 35% of treatments.
• Cheekbone surgery was required in 35% of cases.
• The lower jaw and eye socket accounted for the remainder of cases.
• 87% of injuries were caused by collisions with another player.
• 13% of injuries were caused by being hit with the ball itself.
Dr. Thomas W. Loeb, MD can treat nasal fractures through several different methods. Some minor fractures are corrected by repositioning the fractured bones and splinting until healing. Other facial fractures require internal plates and screws to hold the bones in place, with a hospital stay of about five days and a return to activity within eight weeks.
If you have recently sustained an injury and have interest in a rhinoplasty NYC, do not delay in seeking a professional medical opinion. Most people come in to speak with Dr. Loeb within a week of injury. However, some people wait a month or longer, which increases the odds of suffering a facial deformity or problems with vision, breathing, and eating.
Whether you need plastic surgery in response to a nose or facial fracture, or if you just want to improve the aesthetic balance of your face, Dr. Loeb, plastic surgeon NYC, will comprehensively review the various options with you in a private one-on-one setting so that you can make the most informed decision about which procedure is right for you.
Call 212-327-3700 for more information on facial plastic surgery in New York.