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Lip Implants vs. Injections: Which Is Right for You?

Thomas Loeb | January 3, 2019 | Posted in Skin Care

lip implantsThere are two popular ways to get that plump, sensuous pout you’ve always wanted: lip implants and injections with hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers. Both are common cosmetic procedures that boost the volume of your lips, but each has it benefits in terms of flexibility and lasting aesthetic results.

Whether you are genetically predisposed to thinner lips or have lost fullness as a result of age, lip augmentation can restore volume, correct symmetry and provide a look you’re sure to love.

Enhancing the shape and structure of the lips – especially the Cupid’s bow area of the top lip – can lend a more youthful appearance. But how do you know which procedure is right for you?

Lip implants – a more permanent option

Lip implants are surgically implanted on an outpatient basis, under local or general anesthesia. The two most common brands are Goretex implants and Permalip implants, made of silicone. The primary advantage of lip implants versus injections is the lasting result, since lip implants are permanent. Dissolvable sutures are used and downtime is usually limited to a few days, with swelling subsiding in a week. Possible risks include allergic reactions, lip asymmetry, lumps and extrusion. The implants are designed to last for years but can be removed with an additional surgery.

The up-front cost of lip implants will be higher than fillers or other non-surgical options; however, patients will not need repeated injections with dermal fillers.

Augmentation with lip fillers

For those who are not ready to commit to a permanent lip enhancement, injections with dermal fillers are a smart option that allows more control and flexibility. During this 20-minute procedure, very fine needles are used to inject hyaluronic acid-based fillers into targeted areas of the lips. A topical anesthetic minimizes discomfort and there are no scalpels involved. The most common side effects are generally limited to swelling and minor bleeding at the injection sites. The main benefits of lip augmentation with injectable fillers are three-fold:

  • Injections can be staged periodically to gradually increase desired volume
  • Non-surgical and less downtime
  • HA dermal fillers are dissolvable and can last up to a year

Another upside of injectables like Juvederm, Perlane and Restylane is that you’re never stuck with results that you don’t like. These and other hyaluronic acid fillers can be instantly dissolved with an injection of Hyaluronidase. In addition, hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring substance in the body and is therefore unlikely to provoke an allergic reaction.

Lip augmentation in NYC

If you’re still uncertain whether lip implants or injections will provide the results you want, that’s totally understandable. Implants cost more upfront and are a more invasive procedure, but the results are long lasting. Filler injections improve shape and volume, are low risk and are completely reversible. There are pros and cons to each procedure, which Dr. Loeb is happy to discuss during a private consultation.

Contact the Manhattan plastic surgery office of Dr. Thomas Loeb to learn more about lip augmentation and which procedure is right for you. You can schedule your appointment online or call 212-327-3700.

Additional Resources:

  1. Real Self, Pros and cons: lip injections versus lip implant
  2. WebMD, Lip Augmentation
  3. Real Self, Lip Implant
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