Choosing to enhance the look and feel of your breasts through cosmetic surgery is a big decision—and one many women are happy they made. Breast augmentation continues to rank as one of the top cosmetic procedures performed across the United States, and many women are feeling empowered in their decision to enhance their breasts to achieve the size and shape they desire. Despite the growing popularity and normality of this procedure, many women are still left confused by the abundance of surgical options and terminology.
While the best source of information comes from your personal consultation with your cosmetic surgeon, it doesn’t hurt to research your options and get an idea of what type of procedure you may want before your meeting. To help you better understand the information you read, take a look at some of the most commonly misinterpreted terminologies associated with cosmetic breast surgery.
Breast implants are the objects that are placed under the skin of the chest to increase the size of the breast and manipulate the shape of the breasts. The most common types of breast implants are made with either saline or silicone. In some cases, the breast may be enhanced by transferring fat from another part of the body to the breasts. All of these options offer different advantages. Your surgeon can help you determine which is a better fit for your body.
Many women starting their research can feel confused about the differences between breast augmentation and breast implant surgery. That’s because there is no difference. A breast augmentation, or breast implant surgery, is simply the surgical procedure done to open an area in the breast to allow for the insertion of an implant or a transfer of fat. A breast augmentation may also involve other manipulations to the breast in order to achieve a natural-looking shape, size, and position.
Breast lift surgeries are different from augmentations and implants because they don’t involve increasing the size of the breast. Instead, the procedure utilizes existing breast tissue to lift and tighten the breast, reposition the nipple and areola, and enhance the overall look and feel of the chest. Women who are unhappy with the positioning of their nipples, or suffer from sagging or drooping, will often opt for breast enhancement procedures that do not involve enlargement.
Whatever your desires are for your breast augmentation in NYC, finding an experienced and qualified surgeon is key to seeing results that you will love. In your consultation, your surgeon will help you understand the various options available to you and help you choose one that will be best for your desired look and feel.
Schedule an in-office or virtual appointment with Dr. Thomas W. Loeb to discuss your surgical options. Dr. Loeb has experience with a variety of cosmetic surgery procedures and can offer you expert advice to address nearly any concern you may have with your breasts.
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