New York Plastic Surgery - Facial Rejuvenation in NYC
Political candidates are under a lot of pressure to look their best. High definition media close-ups bring viewers within inches of candidates’ faces, where things like forehead wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes become even more pronounced. Not only can these make a candidate look older than he or she really is, but it can also make them appear tired or lacking in the energy needed to manage political office. These impressions can eventually end up hurting a candidate’s chances for success.
In a recent New York Post article, a respected plastic surgeon noted that New York City’s mayoral candidates may want to consider plastic surgery procedures to help their faces more closely match their messages—and their constituents’ expectations of who they should be. In many cases, these candidates could get simple procedures that would help them appear more energetic, relaxed, and capable.
Politicians have always cared about how they looked. According to The New York Times, President Gerald Ford used to ask for a neutral backdrop for his debates, to downplay his thinning gray hair. Richard Gephardt, a Missouri Congressman, reportedly penciled in his eyebrows.
At the same time, these public individuals don’t want to appear as if they’ve had substantial “work” done. That would only call negative attention to their appearance, which is why those who do choose to undergo procedures look long and hard for qualified and experienced professionals who have stellar reputations for making clients look more youthful and vibrant.
According to the article in the New York Post, plastic surgery could provide facial rejuvenation in NYC, helping candidates to look stronger, happier, and more likable. Such improvements could help them to win over voters more quickly, as they would put across a more trustworthy appearance as a first impression.
If you’re looking at the mayoral candidates, and then looking in the mirror, you may see some similarities. Perhaps your eyelids are sagging a bit more than you’d like, or there are a few more wrinkles on your forehead than you remember.
Cosmetic procedures always carry risks, however, so if you’re thinking about freshening up your look, we invite you to talk to Dr. Thomas W. Loeb. Considered one of the top ten best cosmetic eye surgeons in the world, he has more than 30 years of experience in his private practice, and offers private body contouring consultations.