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Tummy Tucks Result in Long-term Weight Loss, Study Says

Thomas Loeb | March 29, 2013 | Posted in Body, Liposuction

Abdominoplasty can result in substantial and long-term weight loss, according to a recent study in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The findings were made public in the February edition of the American Society for Plastic Surgeons’ official medical journal. The pilot research was conducted by Dr. Rex Edward Moulton-Barrett and his colleagues at the Alameda Hospital. The team analyzed both short and long-term weight loss among 20 women who underwent tummy tuck procedures, and found that patients who had a body mass index (BMI) of 24.5 or higher before the procedure maintained their results one year later. These women lost an additional 4.5 percent of their body weight over the next 12 months, while the other six patients regained their lost pounds. 

The surgeons determined that lasting weight loss results were more likely for women with a BMI of 24.5 of greater. They also found that patients who had more excess abdominal tissue removed were more inclined to enjoy sustained weight loss. To put these numbers into perspective, a BMI between 18.5 and 25 is normal; 25 to 30 is overweight and anything higher than 30 is obese. Dr. Moulton-Barrett and his team explore the possibility of neuroendocrine factors that may encourage weight loss after a tummy tuck by increasing feelings of satiety.  

What’s involved in a full or complete tummy tuck in NYC?

A plastic surgeon typically follows these steps when performing a full abdominoplasty: 

  • An incision is made from hip to hip just above the pubic bone
  • Another incision is made to free the navel
  • Excess skin, fat and tissue are removed
  • Muscle fascia are tightened with sutures
  • Tumescent liposuction may be used to further sculpt the stomach area
  • A compression garment is applied to reduce swelling and inflammation 

Can abdominoplasty help patients lose weight?

An increased feeling of fullness is one of the main factors to long-term weight loss, according to Dr. Moulton Barrett, who says, “We hypothesize that the increased satiety seen in our patients is related to changes in the neuroendocrine system.” The researchers speculate that by removing fat cells during abdominoplasty, there are lower levels of appetite-inducing hormones that are produced by fatty tissues. Additional clinical studies will be necessary to prove this theory, however.

Many obese patients resort to drastic treatments such as gastric bypass surgery to help with permanent weight loss, and those who are who are unsuccessful with dieting and sit-ups alone may be considering the advantages of a tummy tuck in NYC. Bariatric procedures are usually only indicated for patients with a body mass index of 40 or greater, while abdominoplasty is much more common, especially among women who’ve had multiple pregnancies or who have lost significant amounts of weight and are left with extra, loose skin. 

Tummy tuck NYC

As obesity rates continue to climb in New York, and residents battle with their expanding waistlines and diet frustrations, more men and women are turning to Manhattan cosmetic surgery. While abdominoplasty is not a quick-fix solution to weight problems, the procedure can remove excess skin and tissue that no amount of diet and exercise can remedy. In short, a tummy tuck can complement or enhance a well-rounded regimen of healthy eating and regular physical activity. 

For more information about a tummy tuck in NYC, and to find out if you’re a good candidate, schedule a consultation with Dr. Loeb – one of the top plastic surgeons in Manhattan. Dr. Loeb is skilled in a variety of abdominoplasty procedures as well as body contouring with liposuction. We invite you to call his Fifth Avenue office at 212-327-3700.

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