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Dr. Loeb’s Innovative V-Y Lip Procedure Featured on NBC’s “Extra”

Thomas Loeb | September 27, 2012 | Posted in Body

Dr. Thomas Loeb, a prominent leader in New York plastic surgery, has developed a new type of lip augmentation procedure that offers lasting effects. The V-Y procedure helps create full, natural-looking lips by using the inside of the lips, in effect turning them inside out.  During the procedure, Dr. Loeb makes incisions on the inside of the lips and stitches them so that the inside, essentially, is on the outside.

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This innovative new procedure, which was recently featured on Extra on NBC, offers patients a more permanent alternative to common injections, which Dr. Loeb also performs on a regular basis. The V-Y procedure lasts 30 minutes and consists of anesthesia and laser-guided slips. The Extra segment features one of Dr. Loeb’s patients who received the procedure, and who reports that her self-esteem improved with the new lips, and that she had no regrets about choosing to enhance her appearance.

“It has definitely brought up my level of self-esteem,” says patient Ashley Acevedo. “I feel a lot better about myself.”

More permanent solution for lip augmentation NYC

Many women have lip augmentation procedures in order to help restore a youthful volume or to correct features that have diminished due to age or heredity. Women who have had such procedures have reported a range of benefits, but perhaps most notably, an increase in self-esteem.

High self-esteem can also translate in other areas of one‘s life, encouraging career success and an overall increased sense of confidence and value.

Lip injections New York

The majority of patients who undergo lip augmentation in NYC elect to have lip injections. There are a variety of injectables that Dr. Loeb may use to achieve thicker, fuller lips. Some of the most common substances are Restylane and Juvederm, two similar fillers that are made up of a hyaluronic base, which is already found in the human body.

Another treatment method is Gortex implants, which may consist of strips or tubes. Though some people elect to have fat injections, which transfer fat from one part of the body into the lips, such lip injections are not always recommended because they cause more swelling than other treatments, and often do not last as long.

To learn more about lip augmentation NYC, lip injections and other body contouring procedures in New York, please call the Fifth Ave. office of Dr. Loeb at 212-327-3700 to schedule a private consultation.

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