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Popularity of Asian Rhinoplasty Requires Understanding by Surgeons

Thomas Loeb | April 22, 2014 | Posted in Rhinoplasty Surgery

Asian Rhinoplasty As Asian rhinoplasty procedures continue to grow in popularity, cosmetic surgeons are faced with some challenges unique to Asian patients. Anatomical differences can lead to quandaries over the best options in implant materials to ensure a natural, long-lasting result.

Expectations of the patient must be carefully communicated to ensure the surgeon is able to meet those goals as closely as possible. According to a recent report in Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeryGlobal Open, those differences and other issues must be properly handled by surgeons to ensure the rhinoplasty procedure meets the patient’s expectations.

Expectations for Asian rhinoplasty

According to the report authored by Dr. Clyde H. Ishii of Honolulu, the ability to understand and meet patient expectations must be handled particularly carefully with Asian patients seeking nose surgery. Language barriers can make communication challenging between a patient and surgeon. Conflicting cultural beliefs may also make some Asian patients uncomfortable with clearly stating their goals for surgery.

To alleviate these issues, Dr. Ishii recommends both patients and surgeons use photographs to make expectations clear. Patients may bring their own photos to the initial consultation with the surgeon and surgeons may allow prospective patients to peruse before and after photos of previous patients, identifying the results they like best. Another option for overcoming the language barrier is computer imaging that gives patients a fairly accurate idea of what their appearance might be after surgery.

Addressing anatomical differences

While Western culture influences how Asian women want to look today, most are focused on enhancing their appearance without giving up their cultural identity entirely. These expectations, coupled with the unique anatomical features of the Asian nose, can make a nose job a greater challenge for even the more experienced plastic surgeon. While some Asian patients may be seeking traditional rhinoplasty procedures, most are primarily interested in augmentation techniques around the bridge and tip of the nose.

These desired outcomes lead to a question of implant material for plastic surgeons. While Eastern surgeons tend to prefer silicone implants, the trend by Western physicians is to select grafts from the patient’s own tissue. There are pros and cons with either option.

Surgical techniques commonly used in Western rhinoplasty procedures may not be as effective in Asian patients. This is particularly true when it comes to enhancing the nose tip, as this process may be more complex and less effective in Asian patients. The Asian nose often does not have the strength to allow for proper projection and shape, particularly with the thicker tissue common in this type of nose.

Recovery from Asian rhinoplasty

Asian patients seeking a nose job in New York City or other areas of the U.S. also need to be educated about what to expect post-operatively. Much of the recovery process is similar to other rhinoplasty patients, in terms of nasal packing, medication and discomfort level. However, Asian patients tend to have a greater degree of swelling after nose surgery, which may require taping of the nose for a number of weeks after surgery to aid in the recovery process. Asian patients may also experience a greater degree of scarring and have a higher risk of complications with silicone implants.

While Asian nose surgery is more complex for Western surgeons, the increasing popularity of the procedure means more cosmetic doctors in the U.S. may become familiar with the unique concerns of this procedure. Asian patients seeking nose enhancement should take time to find a physician experienced in all types of rhinoplasty procedures to ensure successful results.

Dr. Thomas Loeb performs rhinoplasty NYC and surrounding areas. If you are searching for a plastic surgeon NYC based with ample experience in a wide range of rhinoplasty procedures including tip rhinoplasty, contact Dr. Loeb’s Manhattan office at 212-327-3700 to schedule your personal consultation.

+ Resources
- Resources
  1. American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Culture, Anatomy are Key Factors for Plastic Surgeons Performing Asian Rhinoplasty,
  2. PRS Global Open, Current Update in Asian Rhinoplasty,
  3. U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Asian Rhinoplasty Techniques,


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